
Fast. Flexible. Flawless. Our customized InDesign scripts perform repetitive tasks for you, freeing you to be at your creative best.


Fast. Flexible. Flawless. Our customized InDesign scripts perform repetitive tasks for you, freeing you to be at your creative best.

InDesign Scripting Videos: Create Perfect Catalogs, Price Lists, and Flyers.

Is it magic? No, it is InDesign scripting!

How can a catalog be generated automatically using InDesign scripting? Our videos on InDesign scripting projects show you some of the many possibilities an InDesign script from T+S can offer you. 

For example, an InDesign script reads data from an XML file, using the data to build a keyword directory and index in InDesign. 

Find out more by watching our videos!

Update prices in InDesign catalogs from Excel files

Generate a flowing layout from XML files

Place InDesign snippets on pages

Fill page templates with data from an XML file

Produce sales circulars with InDesign

Get in touch about InDesign scripting now

Discover a world of document production possibilities with InDesign scripting from T+S. Discuss your needs with our expert.

Telephone: +49 89 54746 433

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