QR Codes: Help Your Customers Order Online by Connecting Your Offline Catalog with the Online World

  • Automate QR code placement in InDesign with a custom InDesign script from T+S
  • Seamlessly connect print catalogs to your online shop using QR codes 
  • Make ordering easier for your customers

Compared to tablets running a catalog app, print catalogs offer several advantages: They don’t require electricity, are always “activated”, and don’t require a WiFi or Internet connection. However, to order from the catalog, your customer must use a telephone or web shop (media break). The item in the catalog first has to be searched for and found in the online shop before it can be ordered.

Why not seamlessly combine offline with online? A Quick Response (QR) code makes it easy. A QR code is a small two-dimensional pixel pattern that contains a coded link (URL) to a website. The QR codes are inserted in the print catalog next to the respective items. QR readers on a smartphone or tablet allow your customer to jump directly from viewing a page in a print catalog to viewing that item in your online store.

But how can graphic designers place hundreds or even thousands of QR codes in a print catalog? InDesign scripting can do! T+S can develop a customized InDesign plugin for your exact requirements. The script reads the article numbers in your catalog, creates the corresponding QR codes, and places the codes as graphics (images) at the designated spaces on the pages of the catalog – automatically! QR code by QR code. Page by page!

Each QR code matches to the correct corresponding article and links to the correct corresponding URL. InDesign scripting from T+S gets the job done for you — without errors and reliably.

Would you like to connect your print catalogs to the digital world through QR codes?

Get information from our experts about InDesign scripting from T+S.

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